ESG reporting a heavy burden? Challenges require solutions!

Is your company ready for the future of sustainability reporting? Find out how you can stay ahead of the curve with the new CSRD requirements coming into effect in 2025.

What is going to happen:

The so-called ESG reporting will be a fixed and mandatory part of the annual financial report for many European companies. ESG stands for “Environment, Social, Governance” and that indicates that a broad spectrum of sustainability matters is measured. Just like the “regular” annual figures, the ESG reporting will also be subject to financial auditing.

This is the result of the new European directive on corporate sustainability reporting for companies, also known as the CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive). The date by which they must comply with this obligation depends on the size of your organization. From the financial year starting in 2024, large companies that are already required to report on the basis of the Non-Financial Information Disclosure Decree must include an ESG report. From the 2025 financial year, the obligation will apply to all large companies. With effect from the 2026 financial year, all listed SMEs must include an ESG reporting.

What is a “large company”:

A large company is a company with more than 250 employees and/or more than € 25 million in net turnover and/or with a balance sheet total from more than € 25 million.

Examples: A well-earning service provider with 50 people can therefore already be required to draw up an ESG report. But also, a just started-up Temporal Labor Agency with 300 part-timers that does not even reach € 25 million turnover yet.

Smaller subsidiaries of listed or large companies may also be subject to the CSRD obligation.

What does this mean for business operations (The Challenge):

The obligation to include ESG reporting will lead to a significant change in current business operations and company policies. In addition to doing business, companies now also must pay attention to sustainability in the various processes and provide written accountability for this.

This means that directors must be more aware of sustainability issues when they start new business initiatives and/or change existing business processes. But probably even more importantly, they must also must look very carefully at how ESG reporting can be drawn up, based on existing business processes. The latter will be the most crucial one for many companies. Because without proper automation, many companies will have little or no ability to draw up an ESG report without incurring significant additional costs.

How to approach this (The solution):

Even if ESG reporting is not yet mandatory for your company, it is wise to start early. This has the great advantage that the required processes can be properly mapped out and that the right decisions are made in a practical and timely manner.

Just as “regular” annual figures do not always have one source but several, ESG reporting will have many more sources, both in terms of datasets as in terms of diversity of source systems. In addition, it is important that these sources are documented. In the event of modification of the data before further processing can take place, the adjustment must also be documented, in particular, the decision moments. The entire process of data collection, data processing and reporting must therefore be transparent and traceable as it is part of the annual financial audit.

This process therefore requires good automation solutions, but also a proper implementation method:

By this we mean:

  • Setting up a strategic sustainability framework
  • Sustainability measurement for the CO2 footprint
  • Determining topics within the 3 frameworks (Environment, Social, Governance), possibly also framework 4: Customers and products
  • Determining KPIs
  • Data collection
  • Identification of sources
  • Setting up the reporting and KPI dashboard

In addition to starting on time, the right approach is also very important.  The ultimate goal will be the same for many companies. It is about having a good sustainability policy and reporting but remaining competitive!

Experienced partners

Q7 Consulting and Kompasteam have more than 15 years of experience in KPI reporting and the associated automation solutions. They have started a collaboration to jointly offer a solid approach with a proper automation solution. There are many ESG reporting tools on the market, but most of them only solve a part of the problem: the final reporting. However, that is not the biggest problem, the final report itself is not very complex. The real challenge lies in collecting the data smartly and documenting it adequately. And that includes a good process.

If you want to remain competitive as a company and also set up a good ESG report, please send us an email to contact us. We will then discuss the possibilities with you.

ESG rapportage een zware last? Uitdagingen vragen om oplossingen!

Is uw onderneming klaar voor de toekomst van duurzaamheidsrapportage? Ontdek hoe u voorop kunt blijven lopen met de nieuwe CSRD-vereisten die vanaf 2025 gelden.

Wat staat er te gebeuren:

De zogenaamde ESG rapportage zal voor veel Europese bedrijven een vast én verplicht onderdeel van de jaarrekening vormen. ESG staat voor “Environment, Social, Governance” en dat geeft aan dat een breed spectrum aan duurzaamheidszaken worden gemeten. Net als de “reguliere” jaarcijfers zal de ESG rapportage ook accountantscontroleplichtig zijn.

Dit is het gevolg van de nieuwe Europese richtlijn met betrekking tot duurzaamheidsrapportering voor ondernemingen, ook wel de CSRD genoemd (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive). De datum waarop ze aan deze verplichting moeten voldoen is afhankelijk van de grootte van de organisatie. Vanaf het boekjaar dat begint in 2024 moeten grote ondernemingen die nu al verplicht rapporteren op basis van het Besluit Bekendmaking Niet-Financiële informatie een ESG-rapportage opnemen. Vanaf het boekjaar 2025 geldt de verplichting voor alle grote ondernemingen. Met ingang van boekjaar 2026 moeten alle beursgenoteerde mkb-ondernemingen een ESG-rapportage opnemen.

Wat is een “grote onderneming”:

Een grootbedrijf is een bedrijf met meer dan 250 medewerkers en/of meer dan € 25 miljoen netto-omzet en/of balanstotaal vanaf € 25 miljoen. Een goedverdienende dienstverlener met 50 personen kan dus al verplicht worden om een ESG rapportage op te stellen. Maar ook een startend uitzendbureau met 300 part-timers dat de € 25 miljoen omzet nog niet eens haalt.

Ook kleinere dochters van beursgenoteerde of grote ondernemingen kunnen met de CSRD verplichting te maken krijgen.

Wat betekent dit voor de bedrijfsvoering (De uitdaging):

De verplichting om de ESG-rapportage op te nemen zal leiden tot een belangrijke wijziging in de huidige bedrijfsvoering en bedrijfsbeleid. Ondernemingen moeten naast het ondernemen nu ook aandacht besteden aan duurzaamheid in de verschillende processen en hierover schriftelijk verantwoording afleggen.

Dat betekent dat bestuurders bewuster moeten omgaan met duurzaamheidsvraagstukken op het moment dat ze nieuwe zakelijke initiatieven starten en/of bestaande bedrijfsprocessen wijzigen. Maar waarschijnlijk nog veel belangrijker, ze moeten ook heel goed kijken hoe op basis van de bestaande bedrijfsprocessen de ESG rapportage kan worden opgesteld. Dit laatste zal voor veel bedrijven het meest cruciale zijn. Want zonder goede automatisering, zullen veel ondernemingen niet of nauwelijks in staat zijn om een ESG rapportage op te stellen zonder aanzienlijke extra kosten te maken.

Hoe dit aan te vliegen (De oplossing):

Ook al is de ESG rapportage nog niet verplicht voor uw bedrijf, is tijdig beginnen verstandig. Dit heeft als groot voordeel dat het benodigde proces goed in kaart kan worden gebracht en dat op een nuchtere manier de juiste beslissingen worden genomen.

Zoals ook de reguliere jaarcijfers niet altijd één bron hebben maar meerdere, zo zal de ESG rapportage nog veel meer bronnen hebben, zowel qua datasets als qua diversiteit van bronsystemen. Daarnaast is het van belang dat de bronvermelding wordt gedocumenteerd. En in het geval van aanpassing van de data voordat verdere verwerking kan plaatsvinden, dan dient de aanpassing ook gedocumenteerd te worden, met name de beslismomenten. Het gehele proces van datacollectie, dataverwerking en rapportage dient daarom transparant en traceerbaar te zijn aangezien het onderdeel is van accountscontrole.

Dit proces vraagt daarom om goede automatiseringsoplossingen maar ook om een goede implementatiemethode:

Wij verstaan hieronder:

  • Opzetten strategisch duurzaamheidskader
  • Duurzaamheidsmeting voor de CO2 footprint
  • Vaststellen van topics binnen de 3 kaders (Environment, Social, Governance), eventueel ook kader 4: Klanten en producten
  • Bepalen van KPIs
  • Datacollectie
  • Identificatie van bronnen
  • Opzetten van de rapportage en KPI-dashboard

Naast het tijdig beginnen, is dus ook de juiste aanpak heel belangijk.  Het uiteindelijke doel zal voor veel ondernemingen hetzelfde zijn. Het gaat er om een goed duurzaamheidsbeleid te voeren en dito rapportage te hebben, maar wel concurrerend te blijven!

Ervaren partners

Q7 Consulting en Kompasteam hebben meer dan 15 jaar ervaring in KPI rapportages en de bijbehorende automatiserings oplossingen. Zij zijn een samenwerking gestart om gezamenlijk een degelijke aanpak met een goede automatiseringsoplossing te kunnen bieden. Er zijn veel ESG-rapportagetools op de markt, maar de meeste tools lossen slechts een deel van het probleem op: de eindrapportage. Daar zit echter niet het probleem, wat de eindrapportage is op zich niet heel complex. De werkelijke uitdaging zit in het slim verzamelen en afdoende documenteren van de data. En daar hoort een goed proces bij.

Wilt u als onderneming concurrerend blijven en ook een goede ESG rapportage opzetten, stuur dan een e-mail om met ons contact op te nemen. Dan spreken we de mogelijkheden met u door.

Green Production Paradigms: Sustainable Manufacturing in the Pharmaceutical Industry (6 of 10)

Sustainability is gaining paramount significance in the pharmaceutical industry, with manufacturers endeavoring to minimize environmental footprints. Sustainable manufacturing intertwines economic viability, environmental stewardship and societal responsibility, aiming to meet the present pharmaceutical needs without compromising the future.

Core Principles of Sustainable Manufacturing
We see a number of core principles for the industry:

1. Resource Efficiency: Utilizing resources judiciously to minimize waste and optimize energy consumption is a cardinal principle, seeking to diminish the environmental impact of manufacturing processes.

2. Eco-friendly Design: Emphasizing the development of pharmaceuticals with minimal environmental repercussions, prioritizing the use of green materials and sustainable packaging solutions.

Technological Integrations
The integration of renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, reduces reliance on fossil fuels, curbing emissions and environmental degradation and as such can contribute to more sustainable manufacturing. Next to that, the implementation of innovative waste management solutions ensures efficient waste reduction, recycling, and disposal, mitigating environmental pollution.

Sustainable Practices’ Impact
There are for sure benefits after the implementation of sustainable measures such as Cost Reduction: Sustainable practices often lead to reduced operational costs through energy savings, efficient resource utilization, and waste minimization.
It can also lead to an Enhanced Brand Image: Adoption of sustainability enhances corporate reputation, fostering consumer trust and loyalty and attracting environmentally-conscious stakeholders.

Although the implementation of sustainable measures also comes with a price: On 5 January 2023, the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) entered into force. This new directive modernizes and strengthens the rules concerning the social and environmental information that companies have to report. A broader set of large companies, as well as listed SMEs, will now be required to report on sustainability.

The new rules will ensure that investors and other stakeholders have access to the information they need to assess the impact of companies on people and the environment and for investors to assess financial risks and opportunities arising from climate change and other sustainability issues. Finally, reporting costs will be reduced for companies over the medium to long term by harmonizing the information to be provided.

Overcoming Challenges
Therefore it is imperative to asses very well the challenges that go along with the implementation of sustainability measures. We see the following challenges:

1. Balancing Cost and Sustainability: Initial investments in sustainable technologies and practices can be substantial, necessitating strategies to balance long-term gains with upfront costs.

2. Regulatory Adherence: Ensuring that sustainable practices comply with evolving regulatory landscapes is pivotal to avoid legal repercussions and maintain market access.

3. Sustainability Reporting could be a major challenge as it requires a tool to combine data from multiple (technical) sources including manual input. The automation of this activity is still in embryonic state.

Role of Innovation
Innovation can help the industry to become more sustainable, basically via Innovations in green chemistry, facilitating the development of environmentally benign pharmaceuticals and manufacturing processes by reducing the use of hazardous substances.
Next to that, the adoption of Circular economy principles promotes resource regeneration and waste reduction, fostering a sustainable production-consumption cycle in the pharmaceutical industry.

Sustainable manufacturing is a cornerstone in the pharmaceutical industry’s quest for environmental conservation and societal well-being. By embracing sustainable practices and innovations, pharmaceutical manufacturers can contribute to a healthier planet while enjoying cost benefits and enhanced brand value. Navigating the challenges associated with initial investments and regulatory adherence is crucial to solidify the industry’s commitment to sustainability. As the industry progresses, the incorporation of green chemistry and circular economy principles will be instrumental in shaping a future where pharmaceutical manufacturing coexists harmoniously with ecological balance and societal prosperity. The (mandatory) related sustainability reporting could be a major challenge for the industry.

If you need help to overcome the implementation challenges as described above, don´t hesitate contacting Q7 Consulting:

Data-Driven Excellence: Advanced Analytics & AI in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing (5 of 10)

Advanced Analytics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are propelling pharmaceutical manufacturing into a new era, one that is marked by increased efficiency, precision and innovation. These technologies are leveraging vast volumes of data to optimize processes, predict outcomes and ensure the consistent production of high-quality pharmaceutical products.

Let me first explain what it is and what the benefits could be, if properly implemented. Thereafter, I give you suggestions how to get there and overcome challenges.

Role of Advanced Analytics
Advanced analytics decode patterns and trends within complex datasets, granting manufacturers actionable insights to optimize processes and improve product quality. The result is Informed Decision-Making.
By analyzing equipment data, manufacturers can predict and prevent equipment failures, reducing downtime and maintenance costs. This can get you into Predictive Maintenance mode.

AI and Machine Learning (ML) in Manufacturing
AI and ML algorithms can analyze multivariate conditions in real time to optimize manufacturing processes, enhance yield and reduce waste. As such these can contribute to Process Optimization.
You can improve the Automation of Quality Control by AI-driven systems that enable automated quality checks, ensuring product consistency and compliance with regulatory standards (e.g. GMP).

Benefits to Pharma Manufacturing
What are then your benefits when properly implemented?

1. Increased Efficiency: The integration of AI and advanced analytics streamlines operations, identifies inefficiencies and enables proactive interventions, leading to enhanced overall productivity.

2. Enhanced Innovation: These technologies accelerate research and development, aiding in drug discovery and development by uncovering novel insights and reducing time-to-market.

But in order to get there, you will need to overcome Implementation Challenges such as Data Security and Privacy: With the integration of advanced analytics and AI, securing sensitive data and ensuring privacy become paramount, necessitating robust cybersecurity measures.
Last but not least, you will need to hire the necessary people if you don´t have them: The implementation of these technologies requires a skilled workforce capable of developing, deploying and maintaining advanced analytical tools and AI systems.

And: don´t forget the Integration with Other Technologies.
1. Interoperability with IoT: The conjunction of AI and IoT facilitates real-time data collection and analysis, enhancing monitoring and control capabilities in the manufacturing environment.

2. Enhancement through Cloud Computing: Cloud platforms enable scalable and flexible analytics solutions, providing the computational power needed for complex analytical tasks and AI applications.

Advanced Analytics and AI are the catalysts revolutionizing pharmaceutical manufacturing, offering unparalleled opportunities to refine processes, enhance quality and drive innovation. As the pharmaceutical industry ventures deeper into this data-driven era, embracing these technologies is essential for staying competitive and achieving operational excellence. The harmonious integration with other modern technologies and a focus on overcoming challenges related to data security and talent acquisition will pave the way for a future where the full potential of Advanced Analytics and AI can be realized, establishing a new benchmark in pharmaceutical manufacturing excellence.

If you need help to overcome the implementation challenges as described above, don´t hesitate contacting Q7 Consulting:

Navigating the Landscape: Regulatory Compliance in Modern Pharmaceutical Manufacturing (4 of 10)

In an era marked by rapid technological evolution in pharmaceutical manufacturing, regulatory compliance emerges as a critical anchor, ensuring safety, efficacy and quality in pharmaceutical products. Adherence to regulatory standards is imperative to safeguard public health and maintain trust, especially as modern manufacturing processes become more intricate and interconnected.

What are the Pillars of Regulatory Compliance?
First of all Quality Assurance, ensuring that every pharmaceutical product conforms to established quality standards is paramount, with modern manufacturing technologies enabling more stringent and consistent quality checks throughout the production process.
Secondly, Documentation and Record keeping: Accurate and comprehensive documentation of manufacturing processes, validations and quality checks is crucial for demonstrating compliance and facilitating audits.

What is the Role of Modern Manufacturing Technologies?
Modern technologies facilitate real-time monitoring and control of production processes, enabling immediate corrective actions and ensuring consistent adherence to quality standards. Advanced IT systems ensure the accuracy, consistency and security of data, which is vital for demonstrating compliance and protecting sensitive information. Data Integrity and Security should even be at a high level to allow Modern Manufacturing Technologies.

How does the Regulatory Landscape look like currently?
The regulatory landscape is continually evolving, with agencies like the FDA and EMA implementing new guidelines to address the complexities introduced by modern manufacturing technologies. Efforts are underway to harmonize regulations across different regions, even globally, aiming to create a cohesive international regulatory framework for pharmaceutical manufacturing.

What is the impact of Non-Compliance?
Non-compliance can severely tarnish a company’s reputation, eroding trust and potentially leading to a loss of market share. Next to that, companies facing non-compliance issues may incur hefty fines, legal penalties and the costs associated with product recalls and remediation efforts as regulators have become much more active

How to address the Challenges of increasing Regulatory Compliance?
Regular training and awareness programs are essential to keep the workforce abreast of the latest regulatory developments and ensure understanding and adherence to compliance requirements. But only training is not enough, there must be a robust Compliance Management System. Implementing a comprehensive compliance management system enables companies to monitor adherence, manage documentation and streamline compliance-related workflows effectively.

Regulatory compliance is the linchpin that sustains trust and assures quality in the modern pharmaceutical manufacturing landscape. By embracing advanced technologies and fostering a culture of compliance, pharmaceutical manufacturers can navigate the evolving regulatory terrain effectively. Continuous training and robust compliance management systems are indispensable components in this endeavor, ensuring that the benefits of modern manufacturing technologies are harnessed without compromising on safety, quality, or efficacy, thereby safeguarding public health and upholding the esteemed values of the pharmaceutical industry.

Q7 Consulting is familiar with these challenges and can help you to overcome them. Please contact us if you would like to know more about compliance management systems or ways to improve your regulatory compliance.

Real-Time Monitoring & Control: Ensuring Quality and Efficiency in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing (3 of 10)

In the intricate realm of pharmaceutical manufacturing, ensuring medicines’ consistent quality is more than an aspiration; it’s a stringent requirement. Real-time monitoring and control play a pivotal role in meeting this demand. Picture a vigilant oversight of the medicine-making process with the ability to make swift adjustments as situations demand. And as we dive deeper into the technological era, these monitoring tools evolve, becoming even more precise. This allows manufacturers to not only meet but surpass quality standards while also streamlining operations. In a nutshell, it’s the interplay of technology and expertise, ensuring the most effective medicines are crafted efficiently.

The Essence of Real-Time Monitoring
Moving beyond the broader picture, let’s delve into the specifics of real-time monitoring. Firstly, it provides Uninterrupted Surveillance. This continuous oversight of the production processes helps in swiftly pinpointing and rectifying any anomalies, ensuring that every batch aligns with the desired benchmarks. Secondly, Data Acquisition is critical. By capturing data from each production step in real-time, manufacturers gain invaluable insights, facilitating nimble adjustments that optimize conditions.

Impact on Quality Assurance
But what does this mean for the end product? The immediate advantage is Instantaneous Quality Checks. Real-time monitoring offers on-the-spot quality evaluations. This proactive approach is invaluable, ensuring that medicines are always up to regulatory standards, and significantly reducing the unsettling risks associated with recalls. Furthermore, this continuous oversight assures Product Consistency, a non-negotiable in pharmaceuticals, guaranteeing that all batches maintain uniform quality.

Enhancing Operational Efficiency
The benefits extend beyond quality assurance. With a steady stream of real-time data, manufacturers possess the tools for Optimizing Process Parameters. This enables on-the-spot refinements, driving efficiency while curbing waste. Another feather in the cap is Predictive Maintenance. With the ability to monitor equipment’s performance metrics, potential issues can be flagged and proactively addressed, minimizing disruptions.

Control Interconnected Systems
As we further integrate technology, systems must be attuned to one another. Integrated Control Platforms are the unsung heroes, coordinating different production aspects to ensure synchronous operation. Moreover, modern systems are adept at making Automated Adjustments. When deviations are detected, they automatically recalibrate, ensuring seamless and optimal production.

Challenges and Solutions
However, with these advancements come new challenges. Data Security tops the list. As we generate and rely more on data, it’s imperative to bolster security measures, safeguarding sensitive and proprietary information. Standardizing protocols ensures uniformity, but it’s the meticulous design and implementation, with a keen eye on Compliance, especially Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), that guarantees excellence.

In wrapping up, it’s evident that real-time monitoring and control are not just tools but essential cogs in modern pharmaceutical manufacturing. Through this intricate dance of technology and expertise, the industry is positioned to consistently deliver exceptional, reliable pharmaceutical products. The journey might be peppered with challenges, but with focus and adaptability, the horizon promises a future of unmatched precision and unparalleled excellence in pharmaceutical manufacturing.

Q7 Consulting is familiar with these challenges and can help you to overcome them. Please contact us if you would like to know more about connecting your production systems in a GMP way.

Pharmaceutical Industry 4.0: Embracing Automation and Data Exchange (2 of 10)

Pharmaceutical Industry 4.0 is the convergence of digital innovation and pharmaceutical manufacturing. It provides a roadmap of what’s to come for the industry. In practice it combines advanced manufacturing techniques with smart technologies, enhancing the pharmaceutical industry’s ability to be more agile, responsive and adaptive. 

What is the Core of Industry 4.0 in Pharmaceuticals? Basically, this exist of two main items:
1. Automation: A key pillar, automation transcends manual limitations, increasing efficiency, reducing errors and optimizing processes, which is particularly pivotal in ensuring uniformity and precision in drug formulation.

2. Internet of Things (IoT): The incorporation of IoT allows for enhanced connectivity and data exchange between multiple systems, facilitating real-time monitoring and enabling rapid adjustments to maintain optimal production conditions.

What are the benefits and why should we embrace Automation and Data Exchange?
1. Enhanced Productivity: By reducing manual intervention, automation streamlines production processes, accelerates production rates and minimizes downtime, thereby enhancing overall productivity.

2. Improved Quality Control: Automation and real-time data exchange allow for instantaneous quality checks, ensuring that deviations are promptly detected and addressed, guaranteeing the consistent quality of pharmaceutical products.

3. Cost Efficiency: Advanced automation reduces operational costs by minimizing waste, energy consumption and manual labor, thus facilitating the production of cost-effective pharmaceuticals.

Why it is important to have Real-Time Data Exchange? It is an essential element:
1. Data-Driven Decision Making: Real-time data acquisition and analysis empower manufacturers with insights, enabling informed decision-making to optimize production processes and enhance product quality.

2. Supply Chain Optimization: Enhanced data exchange improves supply chain visibility, allowing manufacturers to adapt to fluctuations in demand swiftly and manage inventory more efficiently.

Pharmaceutical Industry 4.0 sounds great, but why is this not easy to implement? What challenges do we have to overcome?

1. Security and Compliance Concerns: The integration of IoT devices and increased data exchange surface concerns regarding data security and intellectual property protection, necessitating robust cybersecurity measures. Next to that, systems must work in a GMP compliant way, which is an additional dimension to non-GMP relevant systems.

2. Adaptation and Training: The transition to highly automated environments requires a workforce adept at navigating and managing advanced technologies, emphasizing the need for continuous learning and adaptation. This human factor is often underestimated and requires effective change management which is never easy.

3. Installed Base of Equipment: The existence of the installed base of equipment in the production facility and its related cost base could limit the efforts for innovation. The existing equipment might not be able to support Pharmaceutical Industry 4.0 and the replacement of this equipment could financially not be feasible until the end of its economic life cycle.

Pharmaceutical Industry 4.0, marked by enhanced automation and sophisticated data exchange, is shaping a future where manufacturing processes are more streamlined, adaptive and efficient. It is imperative for pharmaceutical manufacturers to embrace these advancements proactively, invest in workforce training and implement robust cybersecurity measures. By doing so, they can unlock unprecedented potential in drug development and production, ensuring the consistent delivery of high-quality, cost-effective pharmaceuticals to meet the dynamic needs of global healthcare.

Nevertheless, there are challenges to overcome before companies can implement the Industry 4.0 concepts. Q7 Consulting is experienced in the Pharma and Food industry and can help you set up the appropriate strategy for your implementation. We can help you further to obtain more visibility on your challenges and how these can be best addressed.

Why is it important to have your house in order before starting your digital transformation? (3 of 5)

This question is the topic of a series of articles in the coming weeks around the theme of having your “House in Order”. 
A couple of weeks ago we published a second article that focused on the tenet “First organize, then Automate”. This article will further zoom in on having your “House in Order” regarding data and business processes.
Not having your data and business processes in order often leads to a loss of business opportunities which eventually results in lower profits.
But why is this the case? And for what reasons should companies have their data and business processes in order?
If the data is not in order in a company, it becomes difficult to see where the money is earned. Especially when a company reaches a certain size, simple rules of thumb won´t be sufficient nor efficient. This often leads to a lack of visibility for important key figures. This results in missing business opportunities or worse, thinking you are making money on products or services where you are making a loss.
Business processes that are not in order result in poor efficiency, hence the operation is run at a higher cost than needed. It can also result in slower processes than the competition and this will lead for sure to a loss of business opportunities. The deadly cocktail of poor efficiency and loss of business opportunities don´t need further explanation but this is the least desired situation where you want to have your company.
If it looks like a no-brainer to have your data and processes in order, why are there so many companies that don´t do this and if they do, why is it such a struggle to get this done?
There are two main reasons for this:
1.      In many companies, data and process improvement is seen as a hassle, something that is difficult and requires lots of effort while having only small benefits. It is often not done because people tell each other stories about how difficult it is when in fact they lack the knowledge to execute such improvements.
2.      The improvement potential in companies is often not explored well enough. In most companies, there are knowledgeable people scattered in the organization that would know very well how to improve. But often, these people don´t get the chance, are either not motivated by the management or even not identified. The principle of “the best consultants are your own employees” is not used.
Both topics are difficult topics to address. It requires experience to address them properly. Q7 Consulting has this experience and can help you to start improving your data and business processes.
Stay tuned in the coming weeks for the next articles regarding “House in Order”.

Continuous Manufacturing in the Pharmaceutical Industry, a disruptive trend or a logical transformation? (1 of 10)

This article is the first one of a series of ten (1 of 10) focusing on modern manufacturing in the pharmaceutical industry with special attention to automation.

Continuous manufacturing is heralding a transformative shift in the pharmaceutical industry, transcending the conventional batch production processes to enhance efficiency and product quality. This innovative approach involves an uninterrupted production flow, enabling raw materials to be incessantly processed into finished products. A prime advantage is the significant reduction in manufacturing times, optimizing productivity and reducing time-to-market for essential medications.

Adopting continuous manufacturing enables pharmaceutical companies to achieve consistent product quality. By integrating real-time monitoring and control, companies can detect and rectify deviations promptly, ensuring optimal product quality and mitigating risks associated with product recalls. This continuous approach also enhances the flexibility and scalability of production processes, accommodating the dynamic needs of the pharmaceutical market.

One of the salient advantages of continuous manufacturing is the reduction of production costs. The incessant process reduces the overall footprint, operational expenses and the resources required, enabling cost-effective drug production. Additionally, continuous manufacturing aligns with sustainability goals by minimizing waste generation and energy consumption, thereby fostering environmentally friendly pharmaceutical production.

The seamless integration of Information Technology (IT) is pivotal for maximizing the benefits of continuous manufacturing. Advanced IT systems facilitate real-time data acquisition and analysis, enabling pharmaceutical manufacturers to maintain stringent quality controls and comply with regulatory standards. The assimilation of robust IT infrastructures ensures the uninterrupted flow and accuracy of information, indispensable for optimizing production processes and making informed decisions swiftly.

Furthermore, the implementation of continuous manufacturing necessitates sophisticated automation technologies. Automation ensures precision and repeatability in production processes, mitigating human errors and enhancing the reliability of drug production. IT solutions integrating Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) can optimize process parameters automatically, adapt to varying conditions, and anticipate potential disruptions, ensuring uninterrupted production.

The evolution towards continuous manufacturing also requires extensive modifications in enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. Enhanced ERP systems are crucial for managing supply chains effectively, coordinating production schedules, and optimizing inventory levels in real-time. They help in attaining seamless integration between production processes and logistical operations, ensuring the availability of essential pharmaceuticals to meet global demands.

Moreover, IT plays a crucial role in securing intellectual property and sensitive production data. Implementing robust cybersecurity measures is essential to protect proprietary information and to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of production data, mitigating the risks of cyber threats and unauthorized access. Monitoring is no longer the question, but a must!

In conclusion, continuous manufacturing is revolutionizing the pharmaceutical industry by enhancing efficiency, reducing costs, and ensuring consistent product quality. The integration of advanced IT and automation technologies is essential to reap the benefits of this innovative manufacturing approach. It ensures real-time monitoring, enhances data integrity, facilitates compliance with regulatory standards, and secures sensitive information, thereby paving the way for a more resilient and sustainable pharmaceutical industry in the future.

Stay tuned and look for the next article (2 of 10) on Pharmaceutical Industry 4.0: Embracing Automation and Data Exchange – Exploration of the integration of automation, IoT, and data exchange in manufacturing processes.

Why is it important to have your house in order before starting your digital transformation? (2 of 5)

This question is the topic of a series of articles in the coming weeks around the theme of having your “House in Order”. 

Last week we published the first version with a more general introduction. This time we will go further into detail and explain why the old tenet “First organize, then Automate” is still very valid.

Not organizing your scope of automation will lead to automating inefficiencies and sometimes even chaos. This will not bring value to the company and will only lead to disappointment and often to more cost.

But why is this the case? And for what reasons is organizing first a clever idea?

To answer these questions, we must look at the considerations that individuals and organizations often use to justify automation projects:

  • “Yes, we have a lot of inefficiencies, but it is a promising idea to automate anyway. We will work out our way in the project and get a positive outcome”
  • “We have never been well organized in our company and still doing automation projects with success, so why should we organize first and lose time?”
  • “Yes, we have chaos now, that’s why we want to automate!”

The common thing about these statements is that individuals and organizations overestimate their own capabilities. They expect something positive if they put in enough effort.

Starting an automation project with this mindset makes it very likely that the project will take more time, resources and budget than anticipated. It is also very likely that the same results could have been obtained with a lot less time, resources and budget if first some proper scoping and organizing had been done.

The first reason for organizing upfront is that organizing is more than half the job. The remainder is automating. Organizing less upfront will result in more automation work and automation of inefficiencies. If you want to organize afterwards, it is likely that there is a larger scope because inefficiencies have been automated and there is more data, more work involved. In addition, it will lead to rework in the automation itself.

A second reason for organizing upfront is better Change Management. For every change, it helps if you can create or demonstrate a proper sense of urgency. If you take sufficient time to organize, you also lay the foundation for change acceptance. The automated solution that comes along with the change will then be accepted more easily.

A third reason is related to the second one. If you start to automate without proper organizing and Change Management, you automatically use the IT solution to drive the change. As most changes also cause resistance, this can create its own problems: people will debate the system, but not the underlying reasons for change. These debates often do not end well.

Conclusion: If you want to be effective and agile with your automation projects, organize well prior to automation. Have your house in order! It will save you time and effort, while you increase the chance that the automated solution is better accepted by your people.

Q7 Consulting is often involved in automation projects where having your “House in Order” is the “Question behind the Question”. We can help you to make your automation projects more effective. Stay tuned in the coming weeks for the next articles regarding “House in Order”.